
Antonino Abrami, President of SEJF (Supranational Environmental Justice Foundation), he is Professor Emeritus of the postgraduate program in Economics and Techniques for the Conservation of the Architectural and Environmental Heritage at University of Nova Gorica (Slovenia). Former Judge of the Supreme Court of Cassation and Appeal Court judge of Venice Jean Monnet Chair (University of Urbino – Italia) in community environmental law.  Author of the “History, Science and Community Environmental Law “.

Ahmed Alami, medical doctor, former member of parliament, former minister of Health of Morocco and Honorary President of the Medical Board and the Social Affairs and Education Commission, is the Vice- President of the Association of former Ministers of the environment and former directors of international environmental organizations (AME-DIE).

 Aline Archimbaud: a French senator, an environment activist and the founder of the first networks of alternative and solidarity economy from 1985. A former teacher and European Member of Parliament, she also launched one of the first environmental residential areas.

Dominique Belpomme, medical doctor having conducted research for IARC (International Agency for Cancer Research) at the Roswell Memorial Institute (USA), is an Honorary full Professor in clinical oncology at the University Paris-Descartes and the President of the ARTAC (French Association for Research on Treatments against Cancer). A member of numerous European and American learned societies and the initiator of the Paris Appeal, he now heads the European Cancer and Environment Research Institute (ECERI) in Brussels.

Marie-Odile Bertella-Geffroy, an honorary investigating judge, coordinated the Public health unit of the Paris Court and investigated several criminal cases of public health, including the non- ministerial part of the tainted blood affair and growth hormone, asbestos and Tchernobyl cases.

Allain Bougrain-Dubourg, French journalist, producer, radio and TV host, activist for the protection of animals, is the president of the League for the protection of birds (LPO), a member of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council and an administrator of the Foundation for Research on Biodiversity.

Gert Peter Bruch: a Journalist, a photographer, an author and a documentary maker, he is committed to protecting the amazon rain forest. He is the President of the Planète Amazone Association which supports native tribes, especially in Amazonia, in their international struggle against deforestation.

Ernesto Burgio, Italian pediatrician, is the President of the scientific committee of the International Society of Doctors for Environment. He is a consultant pediatrician for national, European and international projects and he specializes in epigenetics.

Valérie Cabanes is a legal expert in International Law, specialized in human rights. She is the spokeswoman for the grass root movement called End Ecocide.

 Richard Clapp, an American epidemiologist, holding an MPH from Harvard School of Public Health and a DSc in Epidemiology, is the Honorary Director of the Massachusetts Cancer Registry that he founded. In addition, he co-chairs the Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility. He is Professor Emeritus of Environmental Health, Boston University School of Public Health, USA.

Florent Compain is President of Friends of the Earth France since 2013. Founding member of the local group of Friends of the Earth Meurthe-et-Moselle created in 2008, and activist for environmental issues for over 10 years, is committed to protecting forest and around the wood energy resources and in the defense of sustainable societies.

Paul Deheuvels is Professor Emeritus of Statistics at the University Pierre & Marie Curie – Paris VI and a member of the Academy of Science.

Marie-Christine Dewolf: a Public Health engineer, a project leader within the Public Health and Health Watch Department of Hainaut in Belgium, she is also the Vice-President of the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) Europe network.

Janos Fruhling, born in Budapest, is a Belgian Professor of Medicine. A specialist in nuclear medicine, former director of the Jules Bordet Institute in Brussels and former President of the French speaking Medical Board of Brabant, he is the Honorary Permanent Secretary of the Royal Academy of medicine of Belgium and the former secretary of the Federation of European Academies of Medicine. He is currently the Vice-President of the Scientific Board of the ECERI, the European Cancer and Environment Research Institute in Brussels.

Sandor Fülop, Doctor of Laws of the Debrecan University (Hungary), a former member of the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee, and of the Hungarian National Environmental Committee, is a Hungarian Member of Parliament. He chairs the Environmental Management and Law Association (EMLA).

Emilie Gaillard is a lecturer in private law of the University of Caen. His thesis called Future generations and private law. Towards a right for future generations (LGDJ 2011, foreword by Prof. M. Delmas-Marty) received an award by the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences (2010).

François Grosdidier, President of the association “Valeur Ecologie” is Senator of Moselle Mayor of Woippy, Vice-president of the metropolitan city of Metz and President of the Federation of Mayors of Moselle.

Lennart Hardell is professor in medical oncology and cancer epidemiology at the University Hospital of Örebro (Sweden). His research work has focused on cancer risks related to exposure to pesticides and pollutants and over the recent years, the link between the use of cell phones and the risk for brain tumors.

Jean Huss, a teacher by training, a former Member of the Luxemburg parliament and a member of the Parliament Assembly of the European Council, authored a report which was adopted in 2009 by this very same assembly. Founder of the NGO called AKUT, he is also a member of the presidium of the European Academy of Environmental Medicine and a member of the ARTAC Board.

Chantal Jouanno, a former president of the Agency of the Environment and Energy control, was appointed State Secretary in charge of Ecology and then minister of Sports. A senator of the city of Paris, she is also an “Île-de-France” regional counselor. She founded in March 2013, Ecolo Ethik, a think tank for environmental innovation.

Jean Jouzel, DSc, researcher with the French Atomic Energy Commission, former director of the Pierre-Simon Laplace Institute, member of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), was a CNRS gold medalist. He is also a member of the Academy of Science and the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, as a representative of IPCC.

Hervé Kempf, French journalist and author, former journalist at the French newpaper “Le Monde” and founder of the magazine “Reporterre”, which focuses on ecology.

Paul Lannoye is a Doctor in Science specialized in nuclear risks. Belgian politician, founder of the political party “Ecolo”, he is a former member of the European Parliament and the former President of the environmental group at the European Parliament.

Corinne Lepage, a French politician, a lawyer specialized in environment and public law, a community activist and co-founder of CRIIGEN (“Comité de Recherche et d’Information Indépendantes sur le génie Génétique”), a former Minister of the Environment in France. Founder of the political party CAP 21, elected at the European Parliament from 2009 to 2014, she co-founded the Association of former Ministers of the environment and former directors of international environmental organizations (AME-DOIE).

Luc Antoine Montagnier, a French virologist and biologist, Professor Emeritus at the Pasteur Institute where he was at the head of the Viral Oncology Unit, a Research Director Emeritus at the CNRS and a former Professor at the University of New York. He is a member of the French Science Academy and of the French Medicine Academy. He was one of the recipients of the Nobel Prize in Medicine for the discovery in 1983 of HIV and he now leads the World Foundation for Aids Research and Prevention at UNESCO.

Laurent Neyret, a jurist specialized in Environmental and public health law, is an expert to Commission of Law and Environmental policies of the French Committee of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. He is a University Professor of Private Law of the University of Versailles Saint Quentin, after teaching at the University of Artois.

Fabrice Nicolino, French journalist and reporter, collaborates with newspaper and journals, such as “Terre Sauvage” and “La Croix”. He co-founded the journal Cahiers de Saint-Lambert.

Josiane Jos Pelage, pediatrician, is the President of the Medical Association for the Safeguard of the Environment and Health (AMSES) in Martinique and the Vice-President of the Martinique Medical Board.

Etienne Riondet: a lawyer at the Paris bar, he has published numerous legal books. He has a monthly column in the magazine Capital.

Gilles-Eric Seralini is a professor of Molecular Biology. He has worked more specifically on GMOs. A researcher at the Institute of Fundamental and Applied Biology of the University of Caen, he co-chairs the Risk, Quality and sustainable Environment Unit at the “Maison de la recherche en sciences humaines”, which has a partnership with CNRS.

Damien Short, Doctor of Laws, is the Director of the Human Rights Consortium (HRC) and a lecturer in Human Rights.

Louise Vandelac, sociologist, researcher at the Center for the Study of biological interactions in human health (CINBIOSE), is a full professor at the Institute of Environmental Sciences of the University of Quebec (Montreal) and an associate professor at the social and preventive medicine department of the University of Montreal.

André Vander Vorst, PhD, is Professor Emeritus at the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium). He heads the Microwave Laboratory that he founded following his work at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Standford University. A member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, he also belongs to the Academia Europeae and the Electromagnetic Academy.

François Veillerette, a teacher by training, was a deputy director of an EREA (“Etablissement Régional d’Enseignement Adapté”). President of Greenpeace France from 2003 to 2006, he is currently the spokesman for Future Generations, which he co-founded, and the administrator of the European network Pesticide Action Network (PAN Europe).