Friday, November 14, 2014
Download the program with abstracts
8h30 Registration
9h00 Welcoming participants
Opening of the congress: Janos Frühling (Belgium)
Opening speech: Dominique Belpomme (France) Text
First session: Mankind in danger: scientific proofs
Moderators : Janos Frühling (Belgium) et Luc Montagnier (France)
9h15 Cancer and the environment: The President’s Cancer Panel report Richard Clapp (USA)Présentation
9h30 The multifactorial genesis of chronic diseases
Luc Montagnier (France) Présentation
9h45 The extreme vulnerability of the fetus and its consequences on health Ernesto Burgio (Italy)Présentation Part 1 Part 2
10h00 Electromagnetic fields and health: the new paradigm
André Vander Vorst (Belgium) Présentation
10h15 BREAK
10h30 Radioactive pollution and health: the nuclear risk
Paul Lannoye (Belgium) Présentation
10h45 The destruction of the fauna and flora
Allain Bougrain-Dubourg (France) Article and text available on LPO Website
11h00 Climatic warming and its consequences
Jean Jouzel (France) Présentation
11h15 Vote for the 1st amendment to the Paris Appeal Declaration
11h30 Journalists’ questions (Moderator : Hervé Kempf)
Second Session: societal drifts and political denial
Moderators : Paul Deheuvels (France) and Jean Huss (Luxembourg)
13h30 Chemicals pollution and health: from Science to Politics
Paul Deheuvels (France)
13h40 Corporate ties that bind: the manipulation by vested interests
Lennart Hardell (Sweden) Présentation Partie 1 Partie 2
13h50 GMOs: Conflicts of interest and scientific controversies
Gilles-Eric Seralini (France) Présentation Partie 1 Partie 2 Partie 3
14h00 Pesticides and health: the case of the French West Indies
Josiane Jos Pelage (France) Présentation
14h10 The public health policy in Canada
Louise Vandelac (Canada) Présentation Partie 1 Partie 2 Partie 3 Partie 4
14h20 Roundtable: the environment and health European Policy
Marie-Christine Blandin (France), Hiltrud Breyer (Germany), Gert Peter Bruch (France) Présentation, Marie Christine Dewolf (HEAL Europe), François Grosdidier (France), Chantal Jouanno (France), François Veillerette (PAN-Europe)
15h00 Journalists’ questions (Moderator : Fabrice Nicolino)
Third session: Science to support Justice and Criminal Justice to rescue Humanity
Moderators : Laurent Neyret et Etienne Riondet (France)
15h40 End Ecocide : which strategy?
Valérie Cabanes (France)Text
15h50 Towards a legal protection for future generations
Emilie Gaillard (France)
16h00 Necessity to impose criminal sanctions on behavior against the Environment and the Health
Antonino Abrami (Italy)
16h10 Roundtable: Gaining recognition of health and environment attack as a crime against humanity survival: setting up
Ahmed Alami (Marocco), Marie-Odile Bertella-Geffroy (France), Florent Compain (France), Sandor Fülöp (Hungary), Corinne Lepage (France) VIDEO, Laurent Neyret (France)
Statement of Ambassador of Ecuador, Carlos Jativa.Text
Testimony of Sir Pablo Fajardo, lawyer of the victims of Chevron-Texaco oil company in Ecuador. Story explain on the Website
17h00 Discussion with the audience: vote for the 2nd amendment to the Paris Appeal Declaration
This Coongress is organized by
With the support of Mutuelle des Pays de Vilaine, Moulin Marion & Fondation Léa Nature
Information: ARTAC – 57/59 rue de la Convention 75015 PARIS FRANCE
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